Stupie & Fran-Fran, created in 2022 by Alex Duquette, Dave Rediger, & Gela Rediger is an episodic cartoon animated by Gela Rediger.
the latest
June 14, 2023
Art by Gela Rediger | Camp Nostalgic Studios TM - Champaign, Illinois
You smell that? Gela Rediger's been letting this one simmer all year long! A brand NEW episode of "Stupie & Fran-Fran" is on its way!

May 9, 2023
Art by Gela Rediger | Camp Nostalgic Studios TM - Champaign, Illinois
"This cartoon still stinks..even when it comes out of the inkwell.." - Gela Rediger

Sheptember 19, 2022
Camp Nostalgic Studios TM - Champaign, Illinois
Recording a few voice-overs for the upcoming second episode of Stupie and Fran-Fran with Aaron Sheppard of Chase & Shep! (chaseandshep.com)

August 26, 2022
via A Hasty Podcast
This morning, Dave & Gela called into "A Hasty Podcast" to talk with their good friend Weston Hasty!
They chatted about videomaking, the early days of YouTube, creating Camp Nostalgic, producing with friends (Alex Duquette, Randy Phillips), animating, & much much more!
July 29, 2022
Camp Nostalgic Studios TM - Champaign, Illinois
Stupie & Fran-Fran's episode 2 will be titled "Peller's Mellers"!

July 5, 2022
Camp Nostalgic Studios TM - Champaign, Illinois
Gela just gave us a peek into the next episode of Stupie & Fran-Fran!! But..who is that???

October 11, 2021
Art by Randy Phillips (Randymation Studios)
Here's a groovy piece from one of our favorite artists, and Camp Nostalgic's most lovable character-actors, Randy Phillips!

September 28, 2021
Camp Nostalgic Studios TM - Champaign, Illinois
Gela is an incredible artist! In fact, she only picked up animating so that she could provide Camp Nostalgic with hilarious cartoons like this upcoming tale.

December 14, 2021
Art by Gela Rediger | Camp Nostalgic Studios TM - Champaign, Illinois
Gela is bringing the toons to Camp Nostalgic Studios TM!